
Showing posts from February, 2011

Northern News

Let’s start with a multiple choice question. This picture was taken in my car this afternoon. Was I . . . A)taking my car through a car wash B) sitting in the school parking lot with 1cm of snow on the windshield of my car C) had my windshield shaving creamed by mischievous children Fortunately for my students it is B! I hope you made a 100 on your little quiz. So, my blog today is focused for the Northerner. No, not the northern Mississippian, but a true Northerner. Not that any of them read this blog, but just in case I don’t want them to feel left out. I also have some important questions for them. Let’s begin with some background info. In case you haven’t been keeping count, it has snowed 4 times this winter (At least that I can remember) . Who would have thought that here in Mississippi Someone could lose count of the number of times it has snowed in one winter. A more accurate problem would be how many YEARS has it been since it snowed! I understand ...