Baby McMillen
Henry Hamilton McMillen will be joining us soon! I am currently 35 weeks and counting with a due date of October 10. I hope you enjoyed playing our game. It was fun making up the riddles, but then again I'm a little bit of a nerd! I have a cute video of Elliot announcing baby Henry's name, but I am not finding an easy way of posting that anywhere! I will work on that again, but my brain is continuing to sink into mommy pregnancy brain. I got the baby's carseat out the other day and Elliot wanted to sit in it. He certainly looked like a big boy sitting in that car seat. Then when I moved the straps down to where the baby will need it . . . there are no words to remind you of how small a newborn will be! Justin and Elliot watched a video of Elliot eating apple sauce for the first time at about 4 months old. He is whining through most of the video. This was Justin's remembering wake- up call of how babies communicate! We are as r...