Baby McMillen

Henry Hamilton McMillen will be joining us soon!

I am currently 35 weeks and counting with a due date of October 10.  I hope you enjoyed playing our game.  It was fun making up the riddles, but then again I'm a little bit of a nerd!   I have a cute video of Elliot announcing baby Henry's name, but I am not finding an easy way of posting that anywhere!  I will work on that again, but my brain is continuing to sink into mommy pregnancy brain.

I got the baby's carseat out the other day and Elliot wanted to sit in it.  He certainly looked like a big boy sitting in that car seat.  Then when I moved the straps down to where the baby will need it . . . there are no words to remind you of how small a newborn will be!

Justin and Elliot watched a video of Elliot eating apple sauce for the first time at about 4 months old.  He is whining through most of the video.  This was Justin's remembering wake- up call of how babies communicate!  We are as ready as we know how to be.  Bags are mostly packed, car seat installed, is there more we should be doing?   I am trying to enjoy every moment that I can with Elliot, which isn't easy at 35 weeks!  He has really started asking his daddy to do lots with him and for him!

Life will be sweeter (and busier) and probably louder - very soon!


Nikki said…
I had the same exact experience with the infant car seat, and adjusting it (except Ben was asleep, or supposed to be). We have no bags packed, but Sam's room is almost ready. I keep telling myself it'll all get done! Miss you guys!

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