Lots of Nothings
So, I was thinking on the way home from school today. (Dangerous, I know, after having worked my brain so hard at school. ) I was thinking, why am I not blogging more often? Is it . . . A. – My husband is about to undergo a major surgery and I feel that blogging about other things is a waste? B. – I am back at school and I have nothing to blog about except school? And who wants to hear about that? C. – Because I am in school, I have little time to blog? So, I don’t know what it is exactly, maybe a little of each, but no more! A blogger I will be. I am actually going to get my students involved in blogging through their technology classes. I can’t wait! How awesome to let the kids share their thoughts through technology! Justin and I spent the majority of last week watching the newest season of THE OFFICE. Season 5 came out on DVD last Tuesday and Justin came home with it! Here’s the funny thing. I we...