Lots of Nothings

So, I was thinking on the way home from school today.  (Dangerous, I know, after having worked my brain so hard at school. )  I was thinking, why am I not blogging more often?   Is it . . .

A. – My husband is about to undergo a major surgery and I feel that blogging about other things is a waste?

B. – I am back at school and I have nothing to blog about except school?  And who wants to hear about that?

C. – Because I am in school,  I have little time to blog?

So, I don’t know what it is exactly, maybe a little of each, but no more!  A blogger I will be.  I am actually going to get my students involved in blogging through their technology classes.  I can’t wait! How awesome to let the kids share their thoughts through technology! 

Justin and I spent the majority of last week watching the newest season of THE OFFICE.  Season 5 came out on DVD last Tuesday and Justin came home with it!  Here’s the funny thing.  I went to Wal-Mart Tuesday to get a few groceries.  Knowing that Justin was bringing home The Office and we would be having “movie night”, I bought myself some popcorn and coke.  I try to limit my intake of theses items, because I know they are not good for me to eat on a regular basis.  However, it was “movie night”.  Anyway, Justin is not a popcorn/coke person, but more an Oreo/Milk person.  I wouldn’t want him to be left out, so I , of course, bought his snack as well.  Justin gets home with the DVD and I see he has an extra sack as well.  My adorable husband bought popcorn and coke in glass bottles!  How well does he know me?!! So we watched The Office with our own snacks – Isn’t marriage great?

Our week is not always driven by TV or Movies, but last week was definitely a TV week!   Tuesday -The Office.   the office

Wednesday after church - Season Finale of LEVERAGE.  leverage(Let me speak to this just for a minute.  Are there any Leverage fans out there?  Seriously, is Sophie not coming back to the show?  Are they really going to cut her out like that?)

Thursday, disc 2 of the Office.

Friday, Dinner with The Terry’s to continue our Office addiction.

Saturday – Nascar and MSU game on at the same time!  Chase_logo_145 mstate

Sunday night – Season finale of Design Star spFeature_the-antonio-project_s234x60 (Which was awesome! If you aren’t an HGTV fan, the traditional show is no more.  Well, some of them are, but the winner of Design Star is very rough around the edges.  Antonio is a very buff, rough edged, guy with tattoos who is a great designer!   He is not the typical designer!  His show will be great!) Monday – finished the Office.  Tonight – blogging in bed.  Next TV addiction beginning Thursday night with THE OFFICE Season 6!


Anonymous said…
Glad to know who won Design Star. My DVR cut off at 57 minutes. Probably a programing error caused by me. I started watching 1/2 thru the season.
Felicia said…
I am getting my students into blogging. It is a little harder for second graders, but soon we will get the hang of it. I feel your pain on the absence of blogging...i run about a week behind on everything.
Libby said…
Yay!! I am so excited that.....1)you will be blogging more (that way I can continue to get my "McMillen fix" while you are gone to Boston and 2)you getting the kids into blogging!! YAY NP!! So excited about that!! Cant wait to see where we go from here!!
Sherry said…
Abigail...I've lost your email and when I click on email you from your blog it won't let me. Send me your email to firstgradefarr@yahoo.com so I can get with you and Justin about the hotel points/nights we have saved up and about the plane ticket points. We have enough points for one free plane ticket I know.

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