Catching Up!

So its no secret, I'm terrible at blogging! How long has it been? I was off for Christmas and still couldn't find the time!

Our lives aren't as exciting as most. I'm working dilegently on my National Boards (as you can tell, since I am spending time doing this!) My mom has been great about pushing me ownward, but at some point, I'm going to have to push myself. I'm usually a procastinator, but not usually to this extent. I keep telling myself I can do this, but the motivation is lacking. As I was telling Beth earlier today. I sit at my computer and stare at the documents I am writing. Nothing comes to mind. Just staring and thinking . . .

My loving husband sits in his new recliner in our office reading his Microsoft books and setting goals to accomplish! If he wasn't in here, I would be even worse. We have a small tv in our office, which will no longer work after the digital transition, but when I am alone I watch whatever is on the 2 channels that the antennea picks up.

Justin and I are working hard on losing some weight. We are doing sugar-busters and pressing forward. It is the best diet for us, becuase it doesn't completely alter your life. We make subsitutes for certain foods and eat what we want. I am working out at school and Jillian (from Biggest Loser) is kicking my tail! It is the most intense workout I've ever done, but I keep on becasue it is obvioiusly working. I have had so much more energy since I changed my diet and have been working out regularly! I would highly recommend it to anyone who just feels tired and worn out all the time. I have more energy to wash clothes, clean house, and cook supper and I promise those aren't things I enjoy in my spare time!


Abiding Journey said…
Sweet writing! You might trying doing all your writing at the very last minute. It usually works for me after a long crying fit around midnight of the due date. Seriously, though, I don't recommend it. Keep pushing forward!

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