Signed, Sealed, Delivered !

Not quite like the popular song, but National Boards is sealed and delivered!  I finished and packed it on Friday, March 27th with the help of my wonderful mom!  I couldn't have completed this entire process without her!  She has been so wonderful!  Thanks MOM!  

Wednesday - March 25th, Justin and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary!  He gave me a planter with Gerber daises (my favorite)!  He is so thoughtful.  Since, I was completely bogged with National Boards, we didn't go out or anything.  But when I finished packing it on Friday at 6:30pm, we threw some clothes in a bag and went to Memphis.  We mailed "the box" on Saturday morning and I thought I was going to be sick.  When you actually understand the worth of the box (extra $6000 a year) it will make you sick to think about not passing!  We went to eat at Rendezvous in Downtown for lunch!  (It was great, as usual)

This week has been fast and furious as well.  In my class at school, we have started our FLUGTAG study and are starting to build.  Ours is a small scale competition, but it will be a blast!  We are inviting everyone this year, not just parents!  It is on Saturday, May 9 at North Pontotoc (Times aren't definite yet) and it only costs $1 to watch!  It is awesome!   Anyway, that is what is going on at school.

Justin and I have been working in the yard a little this week and plan to do some more work next week.  Our lawn mower is in the shop, so for anyone who loves to mow - Our yard is going to need cows soon.  We are also working on some painting in our bathroom.  You know our lives just aren't any fun without two or three things going on at once! 

Yesterday, though, we did have time for some good John's Creek fun!  Justin's cousin, Nathan, wants to see how high/far he can fly a kite.  So, he put a kite on a 2100 foot roll of fishing twine and came to the field beside our house to fly it!  I have never seen a kite so HIGH!!  There were times when I lost it and couldn't see it!  The birds were flying BELOW the kite!  It was so awesome.  I tried to get a picture of it, but it was too bright outside for me to see to take  a picture.  The kite went across the road and over a few houses!  It finally took a nose dive into some trees.  (Meg, this is the fun stuff you can do in Winfield!)

Anyway, its almost church time!  Hope everyone has  a great Sunday and listens to God's direction for your week! 


Felicia said…
I know you are so proud to have your boards sent off. I did the Take One Process last year, because my district made us, and it was terrible and that was only one entry. Congrats, I know you will be great. Get ready to spend your money!

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