Not a city girl anymore!

Ok, let me explain the background to this statement. If you have ever been to Ecru, you know “city” is not really a good description of my hometown.  However, growing up, I always lived in the “city limits”.  When Justin and I got married, he teased me about being a city girl that moved to the country!  The first summer we were married, I had to clean the air conditioning filters for our window units.  Justin teased me about truly being a country girl after that. 

So, tonight (after 3 years of marriage) I earned my newest country girl badge! I learned and actually did – till the garden!  Justin and I have had a garden every year and I have asked each year to learn to use the tiller.  Justin said the tiller was too dangerous for me to use.  Well, for those of you who know us, you know that Justin is not in the condition to run a garden tiller.  Although, it has been 9 months since surgery, he still is very sore if he does too much at one time.  So to save him being sore and achy, he relinquished control of the garden tiller and taught me how!  He makes it look easy.  IT IS NOT!  It is very difficult to hold in a straight line.  To help the situation, the tiller is old and only has one gear that works.  Forward with tines moving.  That’s right – no reverse, no forward without tines moving, and the guard behind the tines is not fully in place (must keep feet away!).  But it tills the garden beautifully! Here’s a picture of me working hard with half of the garden tilled and half not..

DSC00914   DSC00917I know – Country girl fits!

Verdict after tilling – I am willing to spend the money to buy a new tiller! ( I do not like to spend money!)  We are finished with debt snowball – Very close to 6 month emergency fund.  So, DAVE, do you think we can spend the money on a new tiller to save ourselves an actual emergency?


I'm very impressed!! Dave called me and said yes! (he is on my speedial)

What's going in the garden this year??

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