Just waiting

I know many of our readers are “sitting on pins and needles” to know an update of our situation.  Ok, maybe that is a little vain of me to think that everyone is just waiting. We are just waiting.  Our doctor in Tupelo emailed to say he has no update from Boston.  But at least we know where he stands.  He has been great about keeping us posted!

You know – waiting really is the hardest part.  You know how when you were little and Christmas or your Birthday just couldn’t get here fast enough.  Or a different waiting - when you were at church and your mom said, “wait ‘til we get home.” in that stern whisper.  And you started praying that she would forget.  Surely, I wasn’t the only person this happened to.  Well, sometimes that is how we feel.  You go from one extreme to the other.  That sinking pit of why can’t I just know so I can plan – for those of you who are OCD like me and need time to plan how your clothes will be organized in your suitcase.  - Or who sit and imagine how you are going to organize your carry-on to get the most for the space that you have.  Or maybe you aren’t like that at all and the packing doesn’t bother you.    Maybe for you its more like – just get the beating over with so I can move on.  (Referring to the trouble you got in at church)

Anyway, our devotion last night and the prayer meeting message tonight went along together for me.  You know sometimes God sends us through the storm just for the purpose of His Glory!  In fact, we are here for His Glory!  Sometimes, he chooses to heal instantly, sometimes not in this world at all, and sometimes he wants us to wait!  But all the time it is for His ultimate goal! His purpose!  His glory!

So, as I learn not to be selfish or worry about packing remember we are here to Glorify Him!  Even if we are just waiting.


Anonymous said…
Having a plan does make the wait easier. We've been praying and checking your blog often.
Aunt L
Libby said…
you constantly amaze me! you are a great witness whether you realize it or not, and I am thankful for you and your influence in my life! praying for you, justin and the fam!! Keep me posted!

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