My sweet adorable husband

Justin is still doing fine. It took a while before he could come off of the ventilator because he was so groggy (not sure of the spelling) . The surgeon came in this evening and said to go ahead and take him off the ventilator. AFter they did this, he wanted to go to sleep. This was causing his oxygen levels to fluctuate a bit, so we had to try to keep him awake. I say all that so you will understand the rest of the blog.

Since he is groggy, he is also talking very much like a drunk with some slurred speech here and there. To keep him awake the nurse wanted him to talk, so she asked how Justin and I met.

How we met
Paraphrased from memory by: Abigail

So, Abigail and I grew up together. Our families went to church together our whole lives. So one day I was in the youth boys class, 7-12th grade. I was in 9th grade. And Jason Horton, you don't know him, was sitting there beside me. Abigail had to come down there to take roll or something. And Jason said, "Hey man, you should ask her out. She's pretty." So I said, "Yeah, she's pretty." Then a few months passed and I went on a youth trip with this guy, his name is Brett. It was at Tishmingo Park , you don't know where that is. Brett and I went out in the river, well really it was creek, and were just discussing life and stuff. And Brett said, "Yeah you should ask Abigail out." So like the next day at school, Brett grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me around and then called Abigail to come over. So, I was kinda put on the spot. I asked Abigail out. Well, you know, when you are that age it's not really going out. We were boyfriend and girlfriend. So we dated for a while and then broke up ((Let me point out, this is the first time that he has told this story without saying - then she broke my heart - anyway)). Then we ended up at the same college together. We dated for a while without anyone at home knowing it because if anyone had found out, they would have assumed we were getting married. We dated for about 3 years. (So then the nurse asked about the proposal.) Well, I didnt' really know how I was going to do it, but Abigail came over to the house for something. I had wrapped the ring in a regular Christmas bag, because it was close to Christmas. And Abigail saw the bag and asked if it was hers. I said, "Yeah and you can open it before Christmas. Its just a little happy I picked up." So Abigail opened it and when she got the ring out, I got down on one knee and asked her to marry me. And everything has been wonderful since then!

The end

So I thought that was a good explanation of what happened. It kept him awake with a few prompting questions and he told the story well.
Justin is resting now and his breathing is under control. Hopefully he will rest well. We may move to a room tomorrow, just depends on how everything goes.

Hope everyone else has a wonderful evening. Justin has made mine great!


I find it funny that:
a) Justin and his friends talk about "life" in the 9th grade at the creek.
b) your "happy" was a diamond!!
Anonymous said…
We didn't know Justin could be so sweet! Just joking!
Sherry said…
Love sweet and memorable.

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