Learning to write again

I feel like this is my first blog ever.  My thoughts have been racings of what to write for the last few days.  I can’t seem to find the time to put my thoughts out there.   So, if at some point during this blog, my thoughts get lost or confusing, just consider it a journey through my brain.  Like most women, my thoughts are like spaghetti (or at least that’s the analogy I’m familiar with).  Women’s thoughts are like spaghetti, all of the areas of their life run together with all of the other areas.  Its difficult to separate them.  When they are at work, they are thinking of what they need to do at home, what they will cook for supper, the most efficient ways to take care of all of these thoughts.  Men are like waffles, they think in compartments.  When they are at work, they think about work.  When they get home (and have time to unwind) they eventually begin to think about home.   But I digress.

So, we are definitely in the garden business.  This is one of the largest gardens we have had with new things planted potatoes and cabbage.  We also added squash and cucumber for my sister, Amy.  She normally has a garden, but is moving this summer and didn’t have a garden spot.  (Amy – your squash will be ready next weekend!  We picked the first 2 tonight.)   Gardening is a lot of work, but rewarding.  I am not vain enough to think that keeping the grass out of the garden is the reason we have an abundance of tomatoes and peppers each year.  It is so amazing to watch God take care of our garden and how a little seed grows into such an abundance of fruit.   I guess that’s why its used in the Bible so much as an analogy.  If we just gave a “seeds – worth” of God’s Word to others and spent a little time working in it – just think the things that God would do with us. 

I’m excited about having lots in our garden this year.  I’m hoping we can save a little money by eating from the garden.   We started this, by eating from Nathan’s garden (Justin’s cousin).  He has a large garden this year and shared with us!  Thanks Nathan!   I do not like to cook on the weekends, but Justin informed me Sunday that we would be eating at home Sunday night.  So, we did.  Before church I began cooking some cabbage.  (Which I never thought I liked, but had some of Mrs. Anita’s a few years ago and realized I did like cabbage!)  After church, I had a meeting, so my sweet husband came home and got supper ready!  I stopped at mom’s and got some ham left over from lunch.  When I got home, Justin had cooked the potatoes (from Nathan’s Garden).  He diced them and baked them and they were delicious.  He also cut some daises from our back yard and put on the table!  Supper was wonderful!  Justin and I started Sunday night eating at the table.  Since its the 2 of us, we typically eat with tv trays in front of the tv.  But, we decided over the weekend, we should try to table.  It has been a wonderful week! 


Please teach me to garden!!! I will have squash and green beans and I just discovered an apple tree in our yard. One day apples just magically appeared! WHO KNEW!
Libby said…
I love tomatos and cucumbers.. you got any of those in that there garden?

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