Northern News

Let’s start with a multiple choice question.

This picture was taken in my car this afternoon.


Was I . . .

A)taking my car through a car wash

B) sitting in the school parking lot with 1cm of snow on the windshield of my car

C) had my windshield shaving creamed by mischievous children

Fortunately for my students it is B! I hope you made a 100 on your little quiz.

So, my blog today is focused for the Northerner. No, not the northern Mississippian, but a true Northerner. Not that any of them read this blog, but just in case I don’t want them to feel left out. I also have some important questions for them. Let’s begin with some background info. In case you haven’t been keeping count, it has snowed 4 times this winter (At least that I can remember) . Who would have thought that here in Mississippi Someone could lose count of the number of times it has snowed in one winter. A more accurate problem would be how many YEARS has it been since it snowed!

I understand that compared to the Northerners, we have still received nothing. But we all know that even a sprinkling cripples our lifestyle because we aren’t equipped to handle the weather. We spend our time wishing it will snow just one time, so we can gather all of the clothes in our closet that we have been saving and wear them all on the same day. You know, you start with the tight fighting pants, that you can barely wear for your first layer. Move on to something you can move in, and finish up with jogging pants that you wear when you don’t feel like getting dressed, 2 pairs of socks (at least), an undershirt, long sleeve tee and a sweatshirt that you plan to wear under your thick jacket that you only wear once a year. This year I topped it all with some rain boots and went sledding. So the questions remain. . .

1. Where do you find clothes that are warm enough to wear in below 20 degree weather? Do you wear layers everyday? And then half-way undress when you get to work since the heat I would imagine is turned on?

2. At what point do you actually enjoy the snow? Do you ever just think – we should go sledding?

3.And if you do throw caution to the wind, take a sick day to “play” in the snow, any chance you pull your buddies around on a car hood behind your four-wheeler OR on a knee board, holding a ski rope attached to your dirt bike going down the street!

4. Is there any point in the winter that you look outside and say with a smile and glee in your voice, “It’s snowing” immediately followed by a phone call to your family to see if it’s snowing at their house which is only a mile a way – Knowing the answer is YES!

5. Do you trust Punxsutawney Phil or read your 2011 Farmer’s Almanac that basically says – Yeah right! Have you looked outside lately?

Winter has never been a big issue for me. I like it (I don’t love it) I am usually excited to see snow and yes all of the above comments are personal to me Or I have seen with my own eyes. But this year, the one year that I really could have used Spring – I don’t know – Yesterday OR even just a dry winter. No – it just couldn’t happen. The house is still in Phase “waiting on the weather” and the one year that having to go to school during Spring Break might be a possibility, I have a huge plans! Northerners I wish you the best and Punxsutawney Phil, I’m rooting for you this year!


Unknown said…
From a now well seasoned Alaskan.

1)Layers are a must! if below 0, baggy loose fitting jeans (especially carhartt) with a good layer of insulation underneath, and i prefer cabelas silk insulated undershirts, a t shirt, and two jackets, one fleece and a heavier carhartt over that. Above zero im usually ok with just the carhartt pants and shirt/heavy jacket. Smartwool socks are also a plus.

2) if you dont enjoy the snow, winter drags on forever, cross country skiing is great exercise and a fun way to enjoy the snow. Having ANY winter sport makes the winters bearable, and the first winter is always the roughest, after that you get used to it.

3)Rednecks live everywhere, not just in Mississippi :P

4)not this far north, you pretty much expect white stuff off and on throughout the winter, I love it as long as it doesn't slick up the roads too badly

5)Spring only lasts about 3 weeks here anyway, we just get excited to see above 0 temps! lol

glad yall are getting to enjoy the white stuff, hope its not disrupting life TOO much :)
Libby said…
I love James' answer #3!! :) awesome!
Abiding Journey said…
great post! please fix the "hear" in your first paragraph.

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