Speaking with expression
Elliot’s first words are many “days” away, but he is already speaking.
“Dad, I just need to rest my eyes.”
“You go ahead and smile at the camera, but they aren’t looking at you!”
“I’ve been held enough today, no thank you.”
“This is my Superman!”
“Meet ‘the boys’. We let mom hang around to take our picture.”
“Really people, I’m trying to sleep here!”
“Grandma, excuse me one minute, while I look at the camera.”
“This is my favorite outfit. I wore it home from the hospital and it sure is nice”
“Grammy, thank you for teaching mommy’s kids so she can hang out with me!”
“Aunt Am, I’m sorry you had to wait a week to see me, but I am cuter now than I was then!”
“Here is another one with Am. (In case she needs one at home.)
“Aunt Mimi, Thank you for keeping me while mommy rested. She is nicer when she has slept.”
“Mommy has been very busy. She looks a little tired, but I am trying to be cute for her!”