Life goes on . . .

What a busy, fun, hectic, sad weekend.  Saturday morning, my mom calls at 5:30am, “Have you looked at the weather? I think it is going to rain.  What are our rainy day Flugtag plans?”  At 5:30 in the morning, I don’t usually know much of anything.  I told her not to worry, she and I had both prayed for the Lord to work this out for us!  At 7:30, my boss called and said, “I will be at the school in 30 minutes so we can move to plan B” At 7:45 the Emcee sent a text asking, “what are the plans?”  See I told you God would work it all out.  And HE did!  It was awesome!  My principal was able to get permission to have it in the high School gym!  We laid huge tarps on the floor (so as not to damage it!) and Flugtag continued on with a bang!  It was a great day!  Our students were awesome!  The parents worked so hard on the food and everything!  I can’t say thanks enough to the parents and students!  My sister, Amber, did an awesome job with costumes and props!  She had to get students dressed on time with props in hand!  (We are breaking her in early to be a teacher!  She is going to be a great one!)  I will post pictures as soon as I steal some from my students! I didn’t have time to think about a camera.

Moving on – My oldest sister, Amy, and her husband Jason (Grace Park Blog) were able to make it for Mother’s Day.  We all ate supper at my grandmother Wise’s on Saturday night and I enjoyed visiting with them!  On Sunday, after church, we took mom to eat at Costa Oaxquena (Mexican restaurant in Ecru – Awesome!).  Then Justin and I went to visit his mother in Mantachie. 

We came home in time to go to church Sunday night, but that didn’t work out.  Since Friday, my dog (Sterling) has been acting funny.  Long story.  Anyway, we went looking for him Sunday afternoon and my neighbor called and said he was at their house.  We went and got him and he just laid down on the porch when we got home.  After some inspecting, we found he had appeared to have been attacked by something.  Justin put Neosporin type cream on most of the wounds and we laid him in his dog house.  This morning, he was no longer with us.  Justin and I buried him this morning before work.   So here’s to Sterling . . .

To our first family dog  - SterlingPicture 007

A 45 – pound cocker spaniel

who recently ate my annuals

He loved to eat cheese

And very often sneezed

And Justin swears he even could smile!

He enjoyed laying under the Christmas tree

And with long hair, he couldn’t see

With tears in our eyes

we  must say goodbye

But our first dog, he will always be!


Felicia said…
I'm so sorry about your dog! I am glad to know flugtag went well. I want to see pictures because as I have been reading about it I have been wondering what exactly it is. Oh and I am mucho impressed that the big town of E has gotten a Mexican place. How exciting!
I am so sorry about Sterling! I have a little weinie dog I will loan out to you! :) So, now it's time for either a new dog or a baby!!

Relax.....breathe....flugtug and national boards are over!! YOU are amazing!!
Libby said…
Sorry about your dog! we still have our first family dog, Molly. she just turned 13. We have had her our entire marriage (12 years, she was a year old when we adopted her). I thought Flugtag was a great success and hope next year is even bigger and better----and dryer!!!! :) you do an awesome job!!

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