Take a break . . .

Summer break is almost here and I am ready to breath again.  But when I think about it, my life has never been that calm.  There is always something going on.  If it weren’t, I would probably be bored.  Growing up with 3 siblings meant there was always something going on.  I wouldn’t want it any other way.  My mom used to call our house “Grand Central Station.”

Someone asked me this morning, “What are you going to do this summer?”  Well, I have yard projects written out to do.  You can never get completely caught up with that.  I have 3 closets I want to clean out in my house so that they can actually be used.  I am a short term pack –rat and then when “summer” cleaning gets here, its all out the door.  Also, my sister, Amber, is working on summer mission projects here at home!  She is so awesome.  She is going to work with the youth from our church to plan 4 different “back-yard Bible Clubs”  (for lack of a better name) in our area.  I will be around to help her when needed.  I met with some ladies from our church this morning and planned some other neat activities for the summer.  Vacation Bible School is the 3rd week of June and that will take some preparation ahead of time.  Besides all of these activities at church.  I will also be working on “Arts in the Classroom” at school.  NPMS is working on integrating “The Arts” into the classroom to better engage students and hopefully improve higher order thinking skills!  We are very excited. 

So between God’s work, school work, and my wonderful husband, my summer will be quite full!  And I think at the end of it, I will feel very productive (and hopefully NOT stressed!).


Felicia said…
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Felicia said…
Abigail, I had no idea you were working with Arts in the Classroom. Are you going to the summer institute? I signed up to go so that we can work toward being able to recieve that grant. I am obsessed with teaching my students art. I publish their work online. Let me know if you are going to the workshop.

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