A quick life update

It is surprising to me that I can’t keep this blog more current than a week a time.  Meg (whose blog you should really follow) who is in the middle of planning weddings, moving to a new town, and taking a relaxing beach vacation can somehow seem to update very often.  So, I guess I’m not a skilled blogger just yet.

Last week, I celebrated my birthday!  My husband took me to eat at Olive Garden – love it!  Then we had Starbucks on the way home, and watched Pink Panther 2!  Then I opened my presents, my husband is very good at gifts!  He knows me all too well!  He gave me a new pair of yellow-box flip flops (Brown and white polka dots), a gift card to Hobby Lobby (could spend all day there), and a gift card to Lowe’s!  Now, most girls would not be excited about Lowe’s, but I love this store! 

You should probably know that I am not much of a typical shopper.  I don’t enjoy spending hours browsing at the mall or shopping centers.  When I go shopping, I usually have a purpose and a list!  If my family is taking an all-day shopping day (with the girls), which we have planned for a few weeks from now, I go for the quality time and GOOD Lunch!

Back to Lowe’s . . . When Justin and I were dating, I always had a 10:00 curfew.  I know it sounds harsh, but it kept us out of trouble.  So, we usually didn’t have time for dinner and a movie.  And dinner is much more important than a movie.  So, Justin and I would go eat supper and then go to Lowe’s and browse.  We thought it was great!  We always had something to talk about and we actually got to enjoy our time together.  When you go to a movie, there is no talking!  You have to decide chick-flick or Man Movie  (There are very few in-between).  Then you run the risk of hating the movie all together!  So, Justin and I went to Lowe’s!  We still enjoy going to Lowe’s!  And I can’t wait to spend my gift card.

Sunday was my sister’s B’day (Amber).  We were born 5 years and 5 days apart.  So, we shared a B’day cake at mom’s on Sunday!  The best part of B’days at the Hamilton residence this year is my niece Katie Brooke.  She learned in Kindergarten this past year, the ending to the Happy Birthday song.  (And many more on channel four, and Scooby Doo on Channel 2) Just singing the ending to the song would be adorable, but Katie does it in a very low, and slow tone – It is hilarious! 

So – moving on from B’day's.  Last week, Justin and I noticed that Ty  ( our puppy) starting coughing real bad – It was like he had something caught in his throat.  Of course, we think he has a terrible disease.  So, I call the vet and take him that afternoon.  Ty – sweet dog that he is – has  a cold!  Yes – A cold!!  I know that dogs and animals can get sick, but I wasn’t expecting a cold.  Anyway, I guess when you drive 5 hours and pay good money for a dog – You treat the cold.  So, I am giving my dog a dose of antibiotics twice a day along with children’ Benadryl (recommended by the vet).  Lucky for me, Ty really likes the taste of both so we don’t have a fight!  I guess new experiences are what life is all about.

So, not a “quick” life update, but a thorough one!  Have a great day!


Poor Ty!! I want some benedryl too!!
Felicia said…
It may not happen often enough, but I love reading your blog. I also need to recruit you to help me promote a Habitat for Humanity event within your church. Let me know if you think you could help.

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