Way to go new moms . . .

So, as you already know, Justin and I have a new addition to our family.  His name is Ty and he is a Havenese Puppy.  We have absolutely fallen in love with our new baby!

To all of you who are moms, I’m sure taking care of a puppy doesn’t even compare.  But, how do you do it? 

Ty is such a sweet pup, but is very little like a baby.  First, let me say, he is a great rider!  We drove 5 and half hours home from Atlanta and he didn’t get car sick or use the bathroom in the car!  I was completely worried about this!  And, if I could steal a word from Meg . . . If Ty had gotten “happy” on me, then I would have gotten “happy” on him!  And then I’m sure, Justin would have chimed in!  Lucky for the entire family, no one got “Happy” all the way home!

Ty has done a great job training to be a house dog.  We are training him to go outside and not on puppy pads.  I hope we made the right choice, but time will tell.  He has only had a few accidents in the house, and I am very glad.  But can I say, cleaning up Sterling’s (45 pound cocker spaniel) accidents in the house was much more difficult than cleaning up Ty’s accidents in the house.  I don’t think we will use near as much carpet cleaner. 

The last few nights, Ty has slept with us so that I could take him out when he got up and moved during the night.  This was working great Saturday and Sunday night.  However, I am very sleep heavy and last night was not as good!  He went to the bathroom twice, luckily he was on the floor and not in the bed. 

So, to the new moms who wake up all night to change diapers and feed babies, my hat goes off to you!  I apparently am not there yet!  Also, I can definitely see where people can have separation anxiety from their new born babies.  I know this is no comparison ( I do realize we are talking about a dog and not a miracle child from God!) but I feel bad for leaving him here by himself.

Anyway, he is super sweet!  Fun to play with and he sleeps when we sleep!  He is too fast to take pictures of when he is not sleeping!  So here are a few pics of Ty!DSC01161 DSC01164 041 DSC01157 

He likes to sleep on his back! :)


OMG!!! I want to baby sit him!! How big will he get! Let's make a play date for our little boys!

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