The Lord knows all!

This week has been quite the whirlwind. Arts institute was great! Lots of ideas. Our team met today to make some plans for the school year. Lots of awesome people with great

Today Justin stayed home from work beacuse he was hurting pretty bad in his chest. He was hurting really bad last night. We are not sure what is causing the pain, but think it is muscle soreness. Just to be safe, Justin went to our family doctor, who sent him to the cardiologist just to get a thorough check. Justin had a ct scan just like last year to be on the safe side. The scan showed a gray area on the new bypass artery. The doctor who read the scan believes that this new artery has shut down and not working. We have been admitted to the hospital for a heart cath which will allow the docs to know for sure if this is true. At this point they think that the old artery is still working which will be good. The old artery is supposed to have a clamp on it but we think that has come off, which in our case now would be a good thing. If the old artery is closed with the clamp and the new bypass artery has quit then we are looking at surgery. If the doc is right and the old is working and new is not then they will just leave well enough alone. If both arteries are still working then that will be great and we will talk about that.

However, once again the Lord provided us with this unknown knowledge because Justin's pain is still very possible muscles and not cardiac, which is great!

Monday morning will tell the story. Please pray that the Lord will guide the doctors in their decisions and us if we have any to make. Our selfish desire and our prayer is that both arteries are open and we go from there.


Libby said…
We are praying without ceasing! Lifting you both up and trusting His will and plan for you both! Love to you both!!

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