Nothing like a neighbor

When Justin and I got married, I learned all about country life.  I know there are people who live much more in the country than I do, but we do have some country tendencies around here.  Let me name a few: washing the window unit air conditioner filters on the front porch, having your neighbors stop in the road to talk to you at the mailbox, hollering from your porch to theirs just to say hello, stopping both vehicles in the middle of the road to chat, getting off your lawnmower/tractor to chat, and then just being a neighbor!  I’m not as good of a neighbor as my neighbors are to me.  We know everyone on our end of the road very well.  (There is one couple that we only know of at one end of the road, but everyone else has lived here for as long as I can remember!)

So, Justin and I came home from the hospital on Monday evening and then spent the day together on Tuesday.  Wednesday night, Mrs. Pearl and Mrs. Voilet Jo – who live next door – brought us a chocolate pie.  (This is chocolate pie with no meringue – just the way we like it!)  Mrs. Donna – a church family member who also lives down the road – brought chocolate chip cookies – YUM! On Thursday, Bro. Dowdy from across the road called to let us know that Mrs. Fannie (his wife) had made vegetable soup for lunch and made enough for us.  It was delicious – all fresh vegetables from the garden! (Bro. Dowdy has mowed our yard a few times when we just couldn’t get to it and usually mows my ditch where I can’t get it.) This morning, I saw Mr. Rex (husband of Mrs. Donna) at the quick stop.  He was finishing breakfast, and I was getting biscuits to go.  He asked if we needed our yard mowed and I said it would be fine without it.  Guess what – I left this afternoon to find Mr. Rex mowing the yard with his tractor!   On the way home, our neighbors from down the road – The Browns -  stopped me on the road just to check on us!  You just can’t beat small town living!

I can’t say thank you enough to those friends who have blogged about our situation, those who have added us to your prayer list at church, and called to check on us!  As difficult as we know this time will be, we also know that their are many prayers going to the Lord for us!  Thank you – Thank you!  



I want your neighbors! I haven't even received brownies yet!

You were cracking me up! Mrs. Pearl...Mrs. Violet Jo!!

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