Home Cooking

Tuesday night Justin and I took my Grandmother Wise out to eat for dinner.  We had a great time!  It was so nice to spend some time talking with Grandma. (Every Saturday night, the Wise’s eat at Grandma’s house, and since Justin and I got married we haven’t been very often.  Many Saturdays we have something to do and sometimes we just don’t make it, but none the less spending time with Grandma was fun!) We talked about  things going on in our lives as well as gardening. Grandma has had a garden as long as I can remember.  She plants the usual for this area, tomatoes, peas, okra, etc. 

As we were talking Grandma mentioned she didn’t have a lot of okra this year, so I offered her some of our okra.  So, on Wednesday Grandma came to our house and picked our okra.  She called me after school and had me stop by her house.  Grandma had not only picked our okra, but also our butter beans.  I told her that I was not good at frying okra, and that is the only way Justin likes to eat it.  (I tried a few years ago and it was NOT GOOD!)  Grandma had picked, shelled, and blanched the butter beans so they were ready to freeze or cook.  She had also cut and battered the okra for me! 

Wednesday night, Justin wasn’t feeling well, so I waited until tonight for good home cooking!   I followed Grandma’s frying instructions and guess what!  My husband loved the okra!!  We had butter beans, fried okra, and fried bologna!  It was great!  (I was going to make cornbread, but my cornmeal was out of date.) 

So, thanks Grandma for helping me cook supper!


Anonymous said…
Cooking is always better when someone else starts it or does the whole meal. GM has always been great about that. She is also a wonderful resource about how to do things. I have been very blessed with the family I married into. mops
Libby said…
thanks for bringing leftovers for lunch Friday!! I will remember that!! ha :)

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