More of you . . .

Dr. Gupta called on Tuesday to give us an update.  The doctors in Boston have accepted Justin’s case, which means we are going to Boston.  (I know we have suspected this all along, but that is more of the finalization.)  There is another test they want to run on Justin before they decide on the final surgical procedure.  The doctors plan for us to make one trip to Boston for the test, consultation, and then surgery.   We hope to hear from them next week (we were hoping to hear this week, but I doubt we will since we are already at Thursday night).   Now that they have accepted Justin’s case, we hope that they will move quickly to an appointment, but they are not on our time schedule.  So, we will wait for them to call. 

Justin and I were reading tonight in Luke 8.  (We have been reading through the new testament. We try to read a chapter a night, but sometimes we read a devotional instead.)  Anyway, in Chapter 8 there are 2 stories that are meaningful to us.  First, we have recently talked about this and talked to Mrs. Anita (Justin’s mom) about this story.  There are a few verses where Jesus and His disciples get in the boat and Jesus tells them to go to the other side of the lake (my paraphrased version).  The interesting thing is what Mrs. Anita had heard a preacher talk about recently.  Here the disciples were, in God’s will, and He sent them straight into the storm.  Then when they got scared, Jesus said, “Yeah of little faith.”  I don’t want Jesus to say that to me.  I don’t want Him to point out a lack of faith in my life.  Instead I want to be the lady who comes in a few verses later.  The lady who had the blood disease who believed if she could only touch Jesus, she would be healed.  And she was!  I want to have that much faith.  I want to believe that I don’t need Jesus to stop and speak to me, if I could just touch “the hem of His garment.”  My brother, Brooks, and my sister, Amber, and I have sang a song together that talks about this.  I think the title is “More of you, Jesus”.  But the first verse says, “I have touched the hem of His garment.  I have felt the healing of his hand.”  That is where we want our faith.  Just to touch the hem of Jesus! 


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