Busy Day (titled by JM)

I was trying to see if Justin would feel like walking up the hall this evening and he said, "I think I should rest, I've had a really busy day!"

He is doing so well! He is taking little to no medicine through his IV. He is able to get out of bed to move around a little. He is doing such an awesome job getting up and down in the bed. He can get up and down with the help of just one person. Yesterday, he was needing at least 2 people to help.

He has begun to eat today, which is good. The oral pain medicine is a little rough on an empty stomach, so we tried to get him to eat when he felt like it. Mrs. Anita ordered him some chicken tenders, toast, and jello for lunch. He ate some of this and enjoyed having real food! This afternoon we wanted him to continue to get stuff on his stomach, so when he would wake up I would feed him some jell-o. Finally he asked, "Am I about done with that? Can we just put that to the side?" So, no more jell-o for now! Tonight for supper he had some more chicken strips. So, he is beginning to eat which is great!

Thank you to those who have posted messages! While Justin was resting from his busy day and waiting for supper to arrive, he wanted me to read him the blog entries and the comments! He loves to hear from you! Also, lots of you have left facebook messages, emails, etc. and I am passing these along to him as well! Thanks to Laurie and John for the flowers, they were beautiful and helped pick up our smiles a few days ago. Thanks to Teresa and her family for the candy bag, Justin has already gotten in to it! (I don't think this was the best for his stomach, but he ate a twix for dessert!)

The last few weeks in church, Bro. Barry has been preaching from 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
16 Rejoice always,
17 pray without ceasing,
18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

So, we have been thinking about this as we were preparing for Boston. And there is so much to rejoice and be thankful in!

Praises for today -
  • Moved to a private room!
  • Being able to eat again and not get sick!
  • Moving around without much help!
  • Great nurses and doctors
  • Parents on both sides to be here for us!
  • People praying and loving us!

Please pray for a productive day tomorrow and for a safe trip home for my parents!


Libby said…
I am so glad you have used this blog to keep us posted! I have really enjoyed the "Justin funnies"!
So glad things are going so well! Faith and prayer are so powerful---and rewarding!
Keep us posted! Praying for continued healing and Hamilton's safe travel!!!
Mitzi said…
Abigail & Justin-Praying for a good day with lots of progress! God is so good! Tell Mrs. Anita we said hello. Looking forward to seeing Bush & Jannie and both of you very soon.
Wayne, Mitzi, Ashley,& Anna
Anonymous said…
Tell Justin that I know how it is to be sick of jell-o! I was so ready for a burger when I had my tonsils out.
Glad ya'll are doing well. We are going to miss having you at Maw's for supper tonight.
Love ya!
Sherry said…
So glad to hear Justin is doing better with each new day. Just think before long you'll be back at home and all of this will be far behind you. Good things to come! The holidays are nearing and being healthy will be such a blessing to be Thankful for!
Love you all and thanks to you and Aunt Anita through the blog, FB, and text messages to keep us updated! Justin's great uncle/cousin? Freddy McMillen who is a pastor way up North now has been wanting daily updates so that's why I linked your blog to my FB page. Hope that was Ok. He wanted a way to keep up with you and so did Sammy McMillen. You know those McMillens are tight!
Love ya,

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