It's been a long day (Titled by JM)

Now that Justin is alert, I ask him what he wants me to blog about. He usually says, " just whatever". And then he says, "Its been a long day." So that is how I get my titles. Justin's short version of the blog itself.

We all slept well last night! Justin woke up a few times is all. The nurse had to run a view things through his IV. He said he woke up one time because he tried to move his arm and felt resistance; turned out to be the nurse. Then the IV pump was beeping (it does this when it finishes the meds) and he said, "Can somebody turn that off?" I went to get the nurse and she was on her way in. She is our nurse again tonight and is very sweet. She was on top of the IV all night as far as the beeping and things. She has been great! I'm sure things are more quiet at night, but she seems to really stay on top of things.

Justin has done well with eating today (In my non-professional opinion). It is so great to be at the children's hospital and at a place with many different cardiac operations. Most places have traditional heart patients with clogged arteries that require strict dieting. Here with so many non-clogged artery patients, they have really no restrictions. If you feel like eating it, and it won't make you sick - Go for it. They have room service for the patients in the rooms. They found out they were really wasting a lot of food and people eat at different times. (For anyone who has been in a general hospital you know meals come at 6am - when you just want to sleep - noon and - 4pm in the afternoon!) So, Justin has a menu and calls to room service and orders what he wants. Breakfast for supper, Ice cream sundaes, Powerade at 2 in the afternoon - Whatever he wants for the most part. You can order from 6:30am - 6pm. It is such a kids menu - mac'n'cheese, hamburger, hotdog, pizza, and other stuff. Tonight Mrs. Anita and Jimmy brought him chicken nuggets from McDonalds! Then he had some choc ice cream for a snack a little bit ago.

He has walked down the hall twice today, moved around the room some, rolled in a wheel chair downstairs for a chest x-ray, and sat up in a chair a few times. He is really trying hard. The nausea has been some better today, they are alternating medication for this. If they could get the nausea under control, the pain has been fine. He thinks he would be better to move if he wasn't sick and dizzy. I think this is somewhat caused by medication (But I really have no idea and don't plan to get a medical degree - so I know some of you nurses are reading this - just look past my incorrect medical info)
Looking forward to another restful night. Look forward to coming home in a few weeks. I will let you know when we have a game plan for that.

Thanking the Lord for health, good sense of humor, and nurses!


Libby said…
He rolled in a wheelchair downstairs????? I woulda thought that woulda hurt! WOW! He really IS superman!! haha j/k
Glad everything is going so well!
Unknown said…
Hey you guys, Wanted to send you a note before I have dash off to Sunday School. Well ok. Not dash, because You know I can't. More like a fast panicked hobble. lol. Last night I stopped by Claire's (18th) B'day party for a abit with Tammy and Barry. You know your old when you go to party (dance music and floor) and you sit in a corner and play scrabble (on barry's phone) and complain about how cold it is and how loud the music is. lol.
Anyway, so glad to hear you are getting real food and moving around so good. Although i know from experience just because you can get around good doesn't mean the process doesn't hurt. so take it easy.
See you guys in a few days we hope!
Sherry said…
Wow the menu thing sounds great.I hate regular hospital food. Glad he gets to choose what he wants because when your tummy feels bad not everything sounds so good.
Sounds like they are treating you great too. I hate that beeping noise all night. Good thing the nurse is on top of that because that can drive you insane!!!!!!
Love you both.

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