Update and Blessing

Let’s start with a quick update about Boston.  Justin and I will be flying out (along with his mom and Mr. Jimmy) on Friday – Oct 9- around lunch time.   We will arrive in Boston in time for supper and a good night’s rest!  Saturday and Sunday will be spent seeing the sights and   good eating!  Monday – the 12th – we will go to Boston children’s hospital for some routine tests, meeting with the doctors, and whatever else.  Then we will go back to the hotel for another good night’s rest and return bright and early on the 13th for surgery.  We are excited that the trip is finally here.  I will do my best to keep my blog updated as we travel through this part of our life journey.

Now back to life right now! 

This week God sent us 2 wonderful blessings!  Monday evening as Justin and I were returning home from a trip to Wal-Mart (My husband likes to look around!), we received a phone call from our former pastor, Bro. George Smith.  Bro. George and Mrs. Miriam played a part in both of our raisings!  He was our pastor when Justin and I were kids, and baptized both of us.  We also asked him to marry us!  They have been a huge part of our lives!  Last year they kept up with us closely during our surgery journey and even drove up to visit us!  Bro. George brought Justin a pack of M&Ms and told him that was his medicine.  (When Justin was a kid, he was in the hospital and Bro. George brought him some M&Ms).  Anyway, it was such a blessing to get to talk to them!  They are a very special couple and we are very blessed to be able to have them as a part of our lives.

On Wednesday, Justin and I were eating supper and had a knock at the door.  It was our neighbors from across the road, Bro. Bill and Mrs. Fannie Dowdy.  They are wonderful neighbors.  (I blogged this summer about their vegetable soup, and how Bro. Bill helps take care of our yard.)  They have been gone for over a month traveling in their RV.  They stopped by Wednesday to share the pictures from their trip.  It was so nice to see their pictures!   They traveled to Minnesota and many other places.  (Sorry, I can’t remember.)  Their pictures were beautiful with farmlands, barns, some of the Great Lakes, and many people they met on their journey.  They are a wonderful witness and share about God everywhere they go!  It was very refreshing to spend some time with them and be able to share in their travels. 

There have been many blessings in our lives, but these were special this week!  So, Thank you Lord for sending these special blessings our way!


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