Praying for Amber – Day 3

Hi Friends and Family,

Praise the Lord!  There is much to catch you up on today!

Amber and the team had a safe journey on Sunday.  And, she called again this morning before they headed out to "Village 1"!  All was well.  The plan was to spend three days and two nights in Village 1.  They took camping supplies (all had to fit into ONE duffel bag), tents (from the missionary), and food (i.e. canned meat).  Although those arrangements don't sound too glorified, you'll see in this YouTube video - "Outtakes Pichanaki" why going back and forth from the village each day isn't the best of plans either.  (I randomly found this video.  I have no idea who the people are or what mission group they are with, but based on the footage and the promo video Amber had, this team probably walked some of the same paths that Amber's team will walk this week.)  Skip over to 4:05 (that's 4 minutes, 5 seconds) into the video, and you'll see the zipline that Amber and the team crossed this morning.  (Yes, that is two Peruvians on top of the line pushing the "cart" across.)  To get to Village 1, they had to cross the Perene River.  Did you see the trail leading away from the zipline?  That's right.  It's all on foot once you cross the zipline.

On the phone this morning Amber noted that they might not get to stay in the Village tonight because of a rumor circulating in the area.  Rumor has it that the white people were coming to steal the children.  So, as of this morning today would be a relationship building day.  And, as all mission trips require, it would be a day of flexibility.  So, who knows?  Maybe they came back across the zipline this evening. . .

Either way we can thank the Lord for safe travels, for Peruvians who work the zipline (I wonder what they really think of the white people!), for the fruit the villagers will share with the team, for the blow up pillow that Barbara loaned Amber, for health to walk up the hills!, for cell phones that work from Peru, for Jeff (the missionary) and his family who have begun planting seeds in the Village, for toilet paper that can be carried in a duffel bag, for Amber's big smile and bright eyes that she will share. . .

And, we can pray for the 300 or so people who live in Village 1 with little access to the Gospel, for Jeff as he is away from his family this week, for Jeff's family, for the fruit (and no parasites) the villagers will share with the team, for small amounts of nourishment and hydration to multiply into health in Amber's body (trust me - she is eating and drinking little), for rest soundly in Our Father's arms each night, that He would open Amber's eyes to truly see all that He has for her this week, for parents to be open for their children to play with Amber, for the hearts of the Peruvians to be ripe unto harvest. . .

Until tomorrow,



Amy Carson said…
We are praying too. Thanks for all the great updates!

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