Life in the Fast Lane

Though my life has rarely been void of excitement or ,what some might call, entertaining - - There are times when it seems there is so much going on I can’t just stop and do anything.  Growing up, Mom referred to our house as “Grand Central Station”, always people coming and going, the phone ringing (I can’t imagine if there were cell phones then how much worse it would have been).  Nonetheless, mom was always cool, calm, and collected raising her 4 children, having “clothes folding parties”, telling us we were going to eat supper at “Jannie’s cafe”, and somehow distinguishing between Amy, Abigail and Amber when she called our names.  I have to say - “Way to go MOM!”  How you ever raised us all, kept your sanity, and taught us about the Lord - - I will never know! 

My fast lane has changed now – There aren’t 4 children at my house. Only Justin, Ty (our dog) and myself which would lend you to think that life should be fairly calm.  Maybe it comes from being raised at “Grand Central Station” or maybe life is just this way, but even in our small family - - life flies by.

It makes me think of driving through a massively, large pile of leaves that could cover the road - - As you drive through them, the leaves begin to fly everywhere, and though they aren’t in a pile anymore – They are in your way and you can barely see the blue sky on the other side.  Yet, the leaves are so beautiful, that you can’t take your eyes off of them either.  So there you are (caught in a “Matrix” like slow motion), everything is so busy that you want to slow down, but the beauty is just living in the middle of it!  (It makes sense in my head! :)

Justin and I have recently put some work in our house (see prev blogpost), joined the Healthplex (Before Christmas – walking 3 times a week), take Ty to Beginner Dog Classes once a week (which we follow by a trip to the gym), and continue to live life in the middle of the whirlwind.   Although it seems too fast and furious, something new all the time - - It is nice to enjoy every moment of it – One leaf at a time!

Flowers Fall 09 (36)


Abiding Journey said…
glad to have an update on your life. in response to the whirlwind just pray for snow...i mean a really big snow, like 4-5 inches covered then by freezing rain. and, life will slow down significantly.

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