To teach or not to teach, there is no question . . .

I’ve been wanting to blog about this for a few weeks now, but with fear of what might come out of the ramblings in my head, I decided it best wait until my thoughts my were better in a row. 

School has begun.

That is not all.

I am now a 7th grade math teacher.

A change from the years past.  It’s not that math is not my favorite, because I do have a few tricks up my sleeve when it comes to math.  It’s more that I was just beginning to understand the gifted kids I was teaching.  Just beginning to be more passionate than I ever imagined about a specific group of kids and just what exactly I wanted them to learn.  But God knows best and has taken care of me, so I guess His plan was a little different than mine.  I do plan to return to the gifted class, but it’s very possible that spending time with the “nerdy” kids like myself has made me a better teacher.  Knowing and understanding how students interact in small groups.  Being able to recognize work among the chaos.  Learning to control my OCD (the pencils might be out of place, but if learning is taking place, then leave well enough alone.  Besides after 3:00 I can rearrange the pencils all I want. ) 

The week before school started, I wanted to write about how terrified and nervous I was about starting this new adventure.  With so many thoughts running through my head, I was confused of where I should even begin.  As the week grew on and the day grew closer for the students to arrive, the butterflies grew twice as large and begin practicing their gymnastic skills.  The afternoon before students came on Friday, I sat at my desk until 4:30 trying to make sense of it all.   I called Justin and asked him to take care of supper, went home to eat at 6:00, went back to school and worked until 8:30.  Even my first year as a teacher, I didn’t spend that much time in my classroom the night before school started.  But after getting everything ready, the butterflies went away for the most part and I went to bed ready to meet smiling faces! 

Many prayers went up for me on that Friday and the Lord answered everyone!  It was a great first day of the new school year!  I have great students who work well.  I’m excited to see what the year has in store.  Knowing that this year will bring exciting and frustrating moments and that everyday will not be as great as the first, I am ready to see what God has in store for me and thankful that I still get to do what I love - - TEACH!Classroom 2010 (6)

My beautiful blue classroom.  The students are filling it up with work everyday!  I let them do the decorating!


Anonymous said…
Teaching can be just a job...those who love to teach have been given a gift from God. Happy teaching and a blessed year to you and your students.
Abiding Journey said…
beautiful room! i know you are great, but save those tricks for a special occasion.

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