The Perfect Harmony

After a wonderful Christmas break and lots of fun with family, I will totally admit that I was not looking forward to this week.  I am usually ready or at least comfortable with the idea of returning to school after new year to begin the new semester.  This year has been different, I don’t know exactly what it was.  However, after a wonderful day in church Sunday, the Lord reminded me that He would take care of me and my concerns, I should put on my smile and count my blessings.  So, I woke up semi- on time Monday morning ready to get in to the swing of things.  (We didn’t have school, but I wanted to give this getting up routine a trial run before today.)  I would have only been about 20 minutes late.   I needed to get some school things wrapped up, so I spent the morning getting ready for the return of the sweet, hormonal adolescents that would be greet me today.  (Which, by the way, were GREAT today!)   I ate wonderful chicken salad (prepared by Jannie’s cafe) for lunch and then came home to freshen up – for the rest of my day was already booked!

When I am out of school, I often drive to Tupelo and spend Justin’s lunch break with him.  My smart husband realized only a few weeks into his job over 6 years ago that taking a late lunch was good for 2 reasons – other people are not eating lunch at 1:30 they are at work AND it makes for a short afternoon!  So, I headed to Tupelo.  Justin and went to Lifeway to pick out some church material and then back to work for Justin.  No – we didn’t go eat lunch.  We rarely eat lunch on his lunch break.   He eats his sandwich as we travel to our destination.  We usually have a plan.  For instance, last week, we went and picked out concrete stain on this lunch break.  Sometimes we spend our time at Lowe’s daydreaming.  And there is the rare occasion in the summer that I pack a picnic lunch and go to the park.  That is of course only on a perfect summer day when humidity is 95% instead of 100%, the clouds are perfectly aligned to block the sun with a slight chance of rain, so that everyone else stayed home!  Moving on . . .

After returning Justin to work, I had a few hours to waste before evening because we had dinner and a show waiting for us after work.    Since, we are building this new house, which we can’t start until it stays dry and above freezing for many days in a row, I like to look at pretty house stuff.  I’m very tight with our money and even though we have a little Christmas money to spend, it must be the perfect item that I already know I am for certain going to use, have researched thoroughly, and am confident that I can’t find it online for half-price.   I started at dirt-cheap, just browsing, not really for house stuff.   I did buy a cute, small, black wallet for my small black purse, which I use when I wish I didn’t have to carry a purse.  Anyway - $4 - - LOVE IT!  Went out to the car, turned on the nerd in me and organized it neatly with all of my things.   Then headed to Pier 1, that’s right, NO – not to buy anything but to bargain shop and price shop.  I wanted to know that when I went to Ross, I was actually getting a great deal.   Almost bought some nice silver decorative balls to put in an old bread bowl that was my Grandmothers.  I had blue and silver balls in it this year for Christmas, but I need some large ones.  Anyway, they were half-price, but I still wasn’t sure.  I found wooden ones for year round - $2 each, moved on to Kirklands – an assortment for $12, and bought the wooden at Ross –6 pk for $8.  This is about $1.25 each for those who are having trouble with the math.  Did I save a bundle?  no, but it felt good.  (If you know where I can get them cheaper, wait a month before you tell me)

decorative willow sphere 

The evening – My husband and I ate a low calorie delicious meal at Peppers and then went to Link Centre to hear . . . are you ready for this . . . the Whiffenpoofs!  What?  You’ve never heard of them?  They were one of the outstanding musical groups on the Sing-Off, a cappella group from Yale.  I knew their musical talent from the show, but they were also gifted comedians!  Loved it! Loved it! 

We were home by 9pm, exercised (Or Dance Central Kinect) until 9:45, had some surround sound research to do and headed to bed. 

All in all – the entire day was in perfect harmony!


I'm so proud of your shopping trip!! LOVE Pier 1 and Kirklands!! I can't wait to buy you a housewarming gift!!
Unknown said…
I cruised through yalls neck of the woods new years day, didnt have jmacs number and couldnt remember exactly where yall lived so I just passed through and kept going. Would've been nice to have seen yall!

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